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Family Milestone, 2008
“This is the Church.”

A few years ago we began hosting Family Milestones for kids and their families who are members or regular attendees at Crosstown. A milestone marks a special event in a person’s life. We have selected these milestones -
- Pre-schoolers/K (kids age 3-5) – “This is the church.”
- 1st graders – “This is the Bible.”
- 2nd graders – “This is Jesus”
- 3rd graders – “Meeting with God – personal devotions”
- 4th graders – “This is worship.”

Sunday, February 24th kids ages 3-5 were literally “walked” through the church and what goes on here. At this stage in a child’s life, we think they are ready to see and hear what makes the church be the church. We had a look at the youth center, Pastor’s office, Deb’s office, the main office and various parts of the sanctuary – and even got to play in the praise band! We ended by telling the kids that the “real” church is the people.

The main point is: our church has lots of places where people can learn and help other people and serve God. We are very glad for that. Church is the building but the real Church is the people who love God.